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If you would like to collaborate please reach out to me. If you are interested in reviews please see the below rules.
Build It Make It produces independent reviews covering the entire range of products for makers from motion controlled systems to hand tools. Build It Make It will not accept any money in return for a review.
While all products are welcome, there are a number of rules that will apply to any reviews of products.
Any options or results that are presented are our true options and are the best representation of the actual experience as we can provide. Under no circumstances will payment or other compensation be accepted to influence our opinion about a product. Beyond that, no review will be accepted in exchange for payment.
If you would like to purchase a sponsorship that is independent of a review that is perfectly acceptable.
Videos or articles, including preproduction scrips will not be provided before a public release. There is no problem with providing talking points, but there is no promise that they will be covered or followed.
Build It Make It does accept review samples as long as the conditions are agreed on beforehand.
If a product needs to be returned after a review this needs to be stated, and agreed upon before shipping. If a product is sent before these terms are settled upon these items will be considered a gift and will not be returned.